How to place an Avocado Tree Guild

Fruit tree guilds are planned systems of companion planting specific fruit trees with additional plants that provide beneficial functions to the tree and soil. Not only does this improve the overall health of your tree, meaning better fruit production, but also provides an attractive habitat for specialized pollinators, beneficial insects and active soil remediation.

Tree Guilds include diverse plant species that:

  1. attracts beneficial insects and deters pests
  2. provides active and dynamic soil remediation
  3. increases biomass and organic matter in the soil
  4. provides ‘cut & drop’ mulch
  5. provides a living mulch that grows and blankets the soil, helping with water retention and preventing soil erosion
  6. produces nectar and pollen to attract pollinators
  7. suppresses weeds

Avocado Tree Guild (for Central Florida):

1 Avocado Tree
5 Perennial Blue Basil plants
6 Lemongrass plugs
30 Comfrey starts
50 Wild Garlic plugs
10 Sweet Potato plugs
30 Watermelon starts